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Super A Anti Urine 5kg

Super A Anti Urine 5kg


Anti urine application / direction of use

For area:

- wash the area with any conventional detergent to clean the normal soil.

- spray anti urine (no dilution require) on the smelly area.

For fabric:

- clean the fabric with normal detergent and rinse

- soak the washed fabric with anti urine (500ml for 10litre water) for couple hours. Not recommend for white color fabric.

- rinse and let it dry.

Direct use:

-if the material is not easy to detach, pls use a clean cloth with warm water to clean the surface first. Then spray the antiurine on the smelly spot and use at warm cloth to absorb the reacted antiurine after 10 minutes.

Remove urine smell effectively and effortlessly

buang bau kencing dengan berkesan dan tanpa kerja keras

bereskan masalah surirumah dan pet lovers.

✅tandas berbau

✅ sangkar kucing berbau

✅ sangkar binatang peliharaan berbau

-Buy 2 jar foc box-

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